Biogel was created by a scientist known as Dr. Genkei, for when he created the biogels, he was appraised for his work because the Green Biogel was so effective.
Dr. Genkei went on to make Red Biogel, or commonly referred to as Bettergel. Red Biogel was different as it worked quicker, and more effectively. It only had one notable side effect, addiction. The product was very addictive, and it could become problematic for people with little self control & self-will.
Before I get into the side effects of Red Biogel, you need to know about Dr. Genkei. He was suspected to be working for the Combine, so the Staff Sergeant of Lambda CCA-C17-DEFUNCT-05-2342, or was commonly referred to as SSgt. Metrocop-2342 was given the task to find out if he was really working for the Combine. Dr. Genkei was discovered to be loyal to the Combine, thus being an enemy to everyone else in the Outlands. So a lady named Kitio Yokarisu successfully killed Dr. Genkei to stop him and his evil scheme.
Back to the Red Biogel. If you rub the Biogel onto your skin, and you suffer from...
Then the Red Biogel has a strong chance at mutating your entire body into a Monster.